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Five tips to better brief your freelance designer

An illustration with stylised lines in a circular pattern with a circle in the centre that contains an icon of a handd drawn crown and ribbon that reads winner.

Ever felt the frustration of needing freelance design support, only to be met with the headache of outsourcing? 

Needing design support for your marketing collateral shouldn't end up with you tangled in more complications. 

The struggle is real, and I get it. 

So, what if there was a way to get that marketing document designed without the outsourcing headaches? 

As a freelance graphic designer I've helped many marketing teams reach their business goals. During my time working with these teams I've developed a handful of tips to help create success design outcomes.

Check out my top 5 tips to briefing your freelance designer like a boss.

Top 5 tips to better brief your freelance designer

Tip 1: Define your objectives

Why are you creating this asset? What are your SMART goals for the document? Eg; increase website visits to booking page by 10% each month. Knowing this is key for your designer to create successful marketing collateral. 

Tip 2: Brand guidelines

Brand colours, typography, logo usage, and any other elements that define your brand's visual identity allow your designer to create consistent designs. And consistency equals trust.

Tip 3: Content and messaging

What key selling points, features, and benefits do you want to highlight. If specific phrases, taglines, or calls-to-action should be incorporated, include them in the briefing.

Tip 4: Target audience

Help your designer understand the target audience. Consider demographics, preferences, and any specific cultural or regional considerations. A design that resonates with your target audience is more likely to be an effective marketing asset.

Tip 5: Channels and format

Specify where and how the marketing materials will be used? Is it a printed asset? A digital document? Or both? Getting your document format right the first time saves time and money.

Bonus tip

Feedback and revisions process

We've all had painful revision experiences. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Start discuss the process for feedback and revisions with your designer before the process even starts. 

Establish a timeline for drafts or proofs, and decide on the best solution for communicating edits.

By getting these considerations in order early, you empower both your designer and your marketing team to succeed.


The hassles of outsourcing should not overshadow the need for effective marketing design solutions. 

Get your design brief sorted, get that marketing collateral created and reach those 2024 goals.


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